ZIP Code 25908

Post Office CityPrincewick, WV
CountyRaleigh County
Area Code304
Radius~3 mile radius
Land Area7.14
Water Area0

Land and Demographic Statistics for the 25908 ZIP Code

Zip Code 25908 is located in West Virginia state, Raleigh county. The land area of this ZIP code is one of the smallest in the United States. It also has one of the lowest population densities in the country. It would be a great place to live for somebody who doesn't like big cities and many people around.

Most of the people in ZIP code 25908 area are white and the second ethnic group is black or african american. There is a high percentage of husband wife family households in ZIP code 25908 area, compared to other areas of the country.

Population Density24
Housing Units94
Occupied Housing Units74

Estimated Population Over Time

Total Population By Age



Head Of Household By Age

Families Vs Singles

Households With Kids

Children By Age

Housing Statistics

There are 94 housing units in ZIP code 25908 - it is extremely low compering to the country average in the country. Houses in this area are cheaper than in other parts of country - median home value is $. Usual home values are usually within $25,000-$49,999.

Most of the houses have 3+ Bedroom and were build in 1939 or earlier.

Housing Type

Year Housing Was Built

Housing Occupancy

Vacancy Reasons

Owner Occupied Home Values

Rental Properties By Number Of Rooms

Cost Of A Studio Apartment

Cost Of A1 Bedroom

Cost Of A2 Bedroom

Cost Of A3 Bedroom